Even cleared all my data and then cleared 7D2D from my registry. I swear I've tried every single combination of all of those and the furthest I can get is my character wiping his forehead and then boom. Even after several installs, uninstalls, and following every suggestion I can find online, I still can't even get the vanilla game to work on even the lowest possible settings, with/without directx10 being forced, with/without motion blur, with/without EAC, with 32-bit and 64-bit. They released 19.4, I simply selected 19.3 and now nothing works. And before anyone goes and makes suggestions about troubleshooting my OS or hardware, I promise you there is absolutely nothing wrong with my computer or my hardware. I can't play my modded version of the game, nor my vanilla version of the game. I played a new map almost every day, for multiple hours per day with no issues for over a week.